The Growth Engine: Getting Ahead of Evolving Customer Experience

Technology is now virtually accessible to all and has handed customers unprecedented power. They now dictate the rules in interacting with the brands they buy from.

And as digitalisation disrupts more businesses, those customers are increasingly seeking out the immediacy, personalisation and convenience of seamless digital customer experiences…

5 Tips for Choosing Your Community Forum Software

In the era of empowered consumers, online communities elbowed and wrestled their way into becoming dependable pillars of growth, unequaled in their ability to encourage customer engagement, loyalty and feedback.

As our digital technology has improved, an increasing amount of community forum software has popped up with each having their own strengths and weaknesses…

Building Brand Communities & Getting It Right

Imagine having customers who continue to remain invested in your brand and engage with you long after their purchase. This is a sign of a loyal brand community and some of the most successful brands are built around them.

How Will Customer Self-Service Portals Evolve in 2022?

Do you remember the days when you had no option but to call customer service for every query or issue? Long wait times and never-ending lift music were the banes of our life…

The Only 3 Quality Affordable Khoros Alternatives

Khoros, formerly Lithium, is one of the most popular community platforms on the market. But (and it’s a big but) Khoros is one of the most expensive platforms on the market. Here are the top 3 alternatives…

Why Community User Generated Content Matters

User-generated content (UGC) is a key ingredient in the recipe many marketers have cooked up for their marketing campaigns.

It’s helped to add clarity and honesty to the buying process, and is incredibly effective at supporting sales. However, it is still an example of the one-way communication between brands and their audience—a stance that is becoming obsolete…

Community Management: Understanding Why People Join Communities

Many brands are starting to understand the power of online communities. For consumers this is great news.

A thriving online community is one of the most dynamic ways to connect customers to each other and to you. Yet to have any sort of sustained success, you need to understand what motivates people to join your community in the first place…

Verint Engage 2022: Recap & Summary

4 Roads recently attended Verint Engage where we delivered several key sessions along the community tracks. Here’s a recap of the event…

The ROI of Increased Audience Engagement

Audience or customer engagement is one of those terms that seems to get bandied around everywhere at the moment. Engaged customers, organisations think, will result in a better return on investment. Tell Marketing to sort it out and we’ll reap the benefits! The pure truth is audience engagement IS essential to any digital strategy…

AR/AI Interactive Digital Display sees 4 Roads shortlisted for a BIMA award

The team here at 4 Roads are pleased to announce we have been shortlisted for an award by BIMA in the Technology Above £70k category for our work with Hitachi Vantara on the development of an AR/AI Interactive Digital Display. Hitachi Vantara is part of the Hitachi Group, the 38th biggest business in the world…